30 November 2007

Monkeying Around

Here's a post for Luke. One of the Afghani workers on our FB has a pet monkey (no Luke, you may not have a pet monkey). He brought it to work the other day.

I'm not sure what kind of monkey it is....I'm no "Jeffco" after all (that's a joke that probably only Luke will get). But it was still interesting to watch. The little thing was pretty mean. It was nice if you had food in your hand.

But if you ran out of food, woe be unto you...as Doc found out about 2 seconds after I snapped this picture. It grabbed his hand and tried to eat him for lunch.

21 November 2007


I took this picture the other day while we were at the ABP headquarters. I thought it was a little poignant.

Things are still very quiet out here. I haven't been blogging for a number of reasons. First, our internet connection has been pretty crappy and connections have been off and on. Second, there really isn't anything too interesting to me anymore. I've seen it...been there...done that. So, if you all have anything that you want to see about Afghanistan, make your requests. If the law, Afghan culture, and my SOPs allow, I'll fill them as I can.