09 October 2007

Because it's there.....Part I

While I was stuck in Gardez for the past week or so, I went mountain climbing with a big group from the FOB. I had nothing else to do, so I thought what the heck. Besides, you got a free T-shirt for doing it. I'm all about a T-shirt, especially a free one. And what's that? I have to climb it in full battle rattle (read that as with an extra 50 pounds on)? Sure...no problem. After all, there's a free T-shirt involved.

Please remind me to not ever be suckered into something like this again, even if there is a lifetime supply of free T-shirts involved.

Tune in next week when our hero nearly collapses from a heart attack.....Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.


Judy said...

Hey!!!It so good to hear you!!!I know dad will be excieted to hear "his boy"! Looks like a huge bite you've bitten off there Ye of the flat land! I know you can do it!!(but please hold on tight!). I am getting a package together for you...any request email me if you get the chance otherwise it will be stuff I pick up! Everyone is good. Sis is in the Yukon headed down from 3,400 ft to 2306ft and then 1356 ft tonight if she makes it to Ft Nelson, and getting warmer to boot it'll up to about 6 degress..LOL Traveling 591 miles today! Love you!Thanks for the video...Mom and Dad Head down!

Judy said...

Shoot you can read my blog about your sister...I'm still in jet lag...

Shelia said...

Dang Jeff! I'll send you a t-shirt if you want one that bad! LOL Just let us know what color ya want man! It was great to see you and your guys, hope it doesn't get too terribly cold! Hang in there!