19 April 2007

Lord Help Us.....

It was found out today that the enemy is using a terrible new weapon against American forces. Word about the new weapon is spreading among even the American troops. The use of this weapon causes men to desert their posts, running at full speed. Even the slightest sound of the new weapon causes their adrenaline to build until nervously shaking, the American forces flee. This weapon is even being utilized on American soil!

What is this new weapon that could cause such a stir in our American troops?

The ice cream man. He rings the bell and they drop whatever it is they're doing and come running with fists full of dollars.


jamie said...

This enemy hits our neighborhood too!! I thought that ice cream would be cheap, but no, you have to have at least $15 to get some!!! Craziness!!!

AmyWhit said...

Dear Lord, please keep this enemy from our neck of the woods. Riley's pediatrician would have a heart attack if she knew....my poor boy and his genetics. LOL.

Shelia said...

LMAO!!!!!!!!! That was soooo wrong on soooo many fronts Jeff!!! My heart was pounding until I saw the pic! You brat!!! I swear I believe EVERYTHING Jamie tells me about you!! LOL

Judy said...

Good one! Hey it just goes to prove there is still a kid in us no matter what's going on in the world!

I hope they enjoyed....wish I could have bought it for them!

oldav8r said...

Love it, love it, Love it! You are so funny! LOL