02 July 2007

Bigger Gun

Mom looked at the last pic I posted and thought I needed a bigger gun. Well, Mom, to put your fears to rest, I submit the following:

Do you feel better now? LOL. What you didn't see in the other pic was the 12 other guys pulling security around us. Trust me, we had plenty of firepower for what we were doing. Gotta run.


AmyWhit said...

hang the guns! Riley wants to know where your canteen is. lol. Adam and Shanon picked up canteens for the boys this past weekend, and they've been wearing them around here ever since.

Your big gun is much more impressive. Keep it with you always!

Judy said...

Maybe a little??!! You are the only you we have and we all want you to be safe...I know the Lord will watch over you.....but I am you mother and you have to listen to me too! (Like that ever happens) You look great. I'm with Riley be sure you drink enough water too. Love and Kisses..Mom

Anonymous said...

I'm all for bigger guns, even multiple guns, the more the merrier.

Heather said...

Charlie and Luke were very impressed with the gun. I'm glad to be able to see pictures of you. Have you tried my site? I was able to upload one picture quite by accident.

You're looking good. Keep your gaurd up at all times. We miss you!

jamie said...

Nice gun, but you gotta move that radio to the other side so that it doesn't get in the way of your shooting arm!!!

And remember no matter how friendly the locals are, we are all infidels in their eyes!!

You are looking good!! It is weird to see Blankenship on the name tape! And to see a butter bar right next to it!!! LOL> Cherry! (SSG made me)

SSG says to listen to your guys who have deployed before unless they are dumbasses. SSG says these are his words of wisdom for today.

jamie said...


Shelia said...

LMAO! Jeff I thought you were out of basic training! With these comments it sounds like you're back in! I'm with Jan, the more firepower the better. ~smile~ Stay safe!