21 July 2007

Middle of Nowhere

I used to tell people that I lived in the middle of nowhere. I was wrong.


jamie said...

Well, you are somewhere, there is a mountain in the far distance!!! LOL... And you guys DID have a DQ before I did.... TERD!!

Judy said...

And you thought Sheldon was isolated growing up..What a desolate Land huh?

Heard you had a long "talk" with Jamie and Shane.

Take care Love ya!

Heather said...

Wow, it looks so sandy, even more than here at the beach. Are there any mirages of palm trees and clean water? LOL

AmyWhit said...

lol. yeah, Sheldon is isolated alright. It's practically a metropolis compared to this picture!

Shelia said...

Hmmm, no Walmart there bud! LOL

Nancy S. said...

Some days I would like to be in a place like that (or maybe not). I think I just need a vacation, its been a long time. Take Care