07 December 2007
30 November 2007
Monkeying Around
I'm not sure what kind of monkey it is....I'm no "Jeffco" after all (that's a joke that probably only Luke will get). But it was still interesting to watch. The little thing was pretty mean. It was nice if you had food in your hand.
But if you ran out of food, woe be unto you...as Doc found out about 2 seconds after I snapped this picture. It grabbed his hand and tried to eat him for lunch.
21 November 2007
Things are still very quiet out here. I haven't been blogging for a number of reasons. First, our internet connection has been pretty crappy and connections have been off and on. Second, there really isn't anything too interesting to me anymore. I've seen it...been there...done that. So, if you all have anything that you want to see about Afghanistan, make your requests. If the law, Afghan culture, and my SOPs allow, I'll fill them as I can.
12 October 2007
Because it's there....Part V
The guys in the white hats always win.
Because it's there....Part IV
Can he make it?!? Will he require a CASEVAC?!? Will there be a T-shirt at the top?!? Tune in next week for the gripping conclusion!!!
10 October 2007
Because it's there...Part III
Tune in next week when our hero mistakenly thinks he's near the top.
Because it's there...Part II
Tune in next week when our hero says..."Oxygen, bring me oxygen!!!!"
09 October 2007
Because it's there.....Part I
Please remind me to not ever be suckered into something like this again, even if there is a lifetime supply of free T-shirts involved.
Tune in next week when our hero nearly collapses from a heart attack.....Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel.
28 September 2007
He came running in shouting in Pashtu and finally composed himself enough to blurt out "SNAKE" in English. This is a Saw-Scale Viper (Echis carinatus). It is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. In fact, some argue that it is THE most dangerous because of its combination of a potent venom and generally grumpy disposition. It's venom is a highly potent hemotoxin and it has a really short fuse. To tell the truth, it has short-man disease. They only get about 2 feet long at most and I guess it feels like it has something to prove. I didn't get a very good picture because I didn't want to get too close for obvious reasons.
The other snake is this one...
It's an Indian Rat Snake (Ptyas mucosa). It's essentially the Afghani version of a chicken snake. At first, we thought it might be an Asiatic cobra (Naja oxiana), but it's not. It's about 5 feet long. The Afghan guys who do security here caught it and are keeping it as a pet in a box.
11 September 2007
Today, several of the Border Police came over to try out some new machine guns they got and also to train some of their newer soldiers. We were more than happy to arrange the use of our range.
This first video is of them firing the PKM. These weapons are all Russian made. They fire 7.62mm rounds. The commander is giving them a countdown before they fire..."Yo"..."Dwah"...."Drei"...which as you can probably guess is pashto for 1,2,3. I did get to shoot the PKM with them, but it's hard to shoot video and a weapon at the same time. In this video, you can hear the rounds impacting on the metal targets which were between 150 and 300 meters away.
This next video is the same guys firing the AK-47 and the AMD-65. The AMD-65 is a shortened version of the AK-47 and is made in Hungary. Both operate identically and both shoot the same round. I didn't get a chance to shoot one of these but I'm sure I will before I leave here.
07 September 2007
More Afghan Roads
28 August 2007
Me and My Ride
I'm going to bed now....
27 August 2007
Camel Cavalcade
On a side note, communication is gonna be a litte difficult for about the next week. I was about to get into a discussion on time differences and stuff, but I haven't gotten enough sleep to figure that out yet. Suffice it to say, my schedule is a little different for a while. Also, we're gonna be doing a little traveling, so I may be out of the loop. I'll holler at everybody when I get a chance. Love you all.
16 August 2007
Pretty Little Girl
09 August 2007
Latrine Rules
08 August 2007
If you ain't Cav.....
Me and White Devil
White Devil
07 August 2007
03 August 2007
Afghan Roads
Just a boy and his donkeys out for a stroll...20 miles from the nearest town....at around 9000 feet above sea level....temperature around 100. Just another day in Afghanistan. By the way this is the only paved road in Afghanistan. At least it's the only paved road that I've seen so far. This is at Terra Pass. Off in the distance, about 40 miles or so, is Kabul.
And then there's the jingle trucks. You guys won't believe these things. I'm not even gonna start to describe these things. Once I get some good pictures, I'll post them. They defy description.
New Digs
I have finally moved into my permanent post...if there is such a thing in the Army. I'm at Chamkani which is about 7 km west of the Pakistan border. I'm here with my team to mentor the Afghani Border Police.
My conditions are spartan by the standards of most, but really they are cushy. Here's my room.
Yeah, yeah...the windows are bricked up and the walls are concrete and plywood...sure, it was just sectioned off from an old warehouse...the bathroom is outside, 50 meters away, I know, I know...there's dust everywhere, yadda, yadda....but I've got a RUG!!! And a COT!!! And SHELVES!!! And my OWN fluorescent light!!! You come to appreciate the little things.
And, oh yeah (oops, top left), I started smoking again, Mom. But, I'm 7000 miles away. LOL. Yeah, that and I'm 36 years old. You know I love you...I'll stop if you want me to. Or at least I'll hide them next time.
21 July 2007
16 July 2007
SSG Lonnie Russell, Jr.
Flowers in the Dust
13 July 2007
My Maps
09 July 2007
Candy Terrorist
Can you pick out the terrorist in this crowd? It's the boy in the middle....sort of. While we were on patrol the other day we came across these kids. They were very curious but kind of stood off from us. That is until I brought out the candy. They were on me "like a spider monkey". The boy in the middle was the most pushy. He pushed the boy on the left out of the way to get to the last piece I had.
If you look real close, you can see a yellow building in the background. That is their school. They teach older kids in the mornings and the younger kids go in the afternoon. As far as schools go, this one is pretty nice. It's got about 5 rooms and a play yard. With the Taliban out of control in this part of the country, they also teach girls at this school.
02 July 2007
Sunset Over Phoenix
The sunset the other night was real pretty. I climbed up to the second floor deck at "Legoland" (Conex boxes that are used as housing) and got this shot. Just as I was taking it, a C-17 came into frame going to land at KIA (Kabul International Airport). As desolate and barren as this place is, you sometimes find beauty. It's usually fleeting, though.
Bigger Gun
Mom looked at the last pic I posted and thought I needed a bigger gun. Well, Mom, to put your fears to rest, I submit the following:
Do you feel better now? LOL. What you didn't see in the other pic was the 12 other guys pulling security around us. Trust me, we had plenty of firepower for what we were doing. Gotta run.
01 July 2007
Making Nice with the Locals
24 June 2007
In the 'Stan
They still don't know what they're going to do with me. I may move down south and work with the Afghani National Police or they may send one of the more experienced LTs and let me take over his platoon and do force security work here. It's 50/50 right now. I've gone on 2 combat patrols outside the wire so far and they were pretty uneventful...thank goodness. It's not so bad here.
Well, it's lunch time here...let's see that makes it 3:30 in the morning there. Hope you all have a good night's sleep. As soon as I know what they're going to do with me, I'll get an address and send it to you all. Until then, I just want you all to know that I'm safe and everything is going pretty good.
Love you all.....
14 June 2007
This was some kind of cargo ship on some river in Germany. These ships are really short and wide. The bridges here aren't very tall over the water for some reason.
I knew everything would be alright when I saw this.
This is a little Christmas shop here on post at Ramstein. I couldn't afford anything in there and couldn't afford to ship it back to the States if I could. Cool stuff like cuckoo clocks and handmade ornaments.
12 June 2007
Quick One from Germany
14 May 2007
Duty, Honor, Country
This speech has always struck a chord with me. It does poetic justice to a belief in a code of conduct and chivalry that I carry inside me. And I am certainly not the first nor the last person to put faith in these words. I spent this afternoon touring around Arlington National Cemetery. In this place, there were thousands of others who lived their lives reciting "duty, honor, country."
Yet, the most powerful image to me was this. A simple white, government-issued headstone marking the final resting place of Private First Class Thomas Edwin Bresnahan. PFC Bresnahan was, as far as I can tell, a simple man who lived by a simple code - "Duty, Honor, Country." He was one of the many faceless soldiers that General MacArthur described in his speech.
"From one end of the world to the other, he has drained deep the chalice of courage. As I listened to those songs of the glee club, in memory's eye I could see those staggering columns of the First World War, bending under soggy packs on many a weary march, from dripping dusk to drizzling dawn, slogging ankle deep through mire of shell-pocked roads; to form grimly for the attack, blue-lipped, covered with sludge and mud, chilled by the wind and rain, driving home to their objective, and for many, to the judgment seat of God.
I do not know the dignity of their birth, but I do know the glory of their death. They died unquestioning, uncomplaining, with faith in their hearts, and on their lips the hope that we would go on to victory. Always for them: Duty, Honor, Country. Always their blood, and sweat, and tears, as they saw the way and the light."
It is for PFC Bresnahan and the many thousands of others like him that I do what I do. Their sacrifice demands it. Their cause is the same cause today and tomorrow - Duty, Honor, Country. Edmund Burke said "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." These men realized that the good men started with them. American history is non-fiction. The characters are not characters at all. Rather, they are the most uncommon of common men.
General MacArthur ended his speech with an admonishment to the cadets. While his remarks were tailored specifically for the members of the "long gray line", they could just as easily be applied to any of us in the profession of arms.
"You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense. From your ranks come the great captains who hold the Nation's destiny in their hands the moment the war tocsin sounds.
The long gray line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses, thundering those magic words: Duty, Honor, Country."
03 May 2007
Turtle Prison
What is more aggravating than your wife catching a 7 pound bass on a piece of corn? "Nothing" you might say. And you might be right...if it weren't for turtles. These thieving reptiles are the squirrels of the aquatic world. They will do anything and everything to bite the bait off your hook while you are trying to catch that 7 pound bass on, say, a chunk of hot dog or cheese.
01 May 2007
Play Ball!
Luke playing the "half-pitcher(?)" position
Oh well, the turkeys can wait I guess.
23 April 2007
Big Time
lowcountry for you.
After dinner, Luke wanted to look at the boats so we went down on the docks and took some pictures. There were several boats lined up at the docks and the black-faced gulls were swooping around everywhere. There was one little boat anchored out in the river. It was the
And it occurred to me that whoever named that boat had it right. That is the Big Time. How much better could it be? Every day, that guy gets to smell the salt air and watch the sea waves roll. He listens to the gulls laugh and watches the marsh grass sway in the breeze. His day is not ruled by a clock but by the coming and going of the tide. And the food. I could eat shrimp every day of my life for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and not get tired of it. This truly is the big time.
My "educated" uncle also used to own a shrimp boat. One of my favorite memories of my lowcountry upbringing was going out shrimping with him. The boat was already out shrimping
We anchored the boat in the sound just inland from the ocean and started cooking. We boiled the shrimp and crabs and fried the flounder. For musical entertainment, what else but Jimmy Buffet. We ate until we were stuffed and watched the sun go down over Bay Point.
For those of you who have never experienced such a thing, I recommend you try it someday. I could probably open a very successful psychotherapy clinic on a shrimp boat. I think it's because the salt breeze creates a disconnect in the mind that unleashes you from the rest of the world.